8 things every groom should do before their wedding day

Wedding tips for grooms

So why is it we never see wedding tips for grooms? There are so many posts about bridal tips, flowers, trends but we never see wedding tips for the groom.

Well, I've compiled a list of tips to help you grooms get ready for the big day!

1, Remove all labels and tags from your suit the day before (with scissors no pulling please!)

2, Practice your vows and speech. Trust me winging it never works!

3, Get a manicure. Your hands will be in lots of photos make sure they look there best!

4, Get a second shirt. This will make sure your feeling fresh in the evening maybe even a fresh pair of socks while you're at it!

5, Practice tying your tie and folding your pocket square. Its not as easy as it looks trust me!

6, Share your group shot list with your groomsmen so they can help your photographer round up family members.

7, Get a lint roller and keep it handy, you'll definitely need it

8, Steam your shirts and hang up ready to go (both of them)